Daughter of China

Born disabled in a foreign land
Abandoned by parents who could not understand
Having no idea as I passed through the door
How much I would love you, what God had in store

Hundreds of orphans housed in one place
My mother’s heart melted as I gazed at your face
Swaddled in blankets despite the heat
You smiled with delight as I touched your soft cheek

How could I love you as my own?
Such bonding emotion I’ve never known
Seven short days, all too few
I cherish each moment spent with you

Baby Dao Dao, daughter of my heart
Arms ache to hold you since we’re apart
I see your smile, hear your cry
Visions of you dance in my mind

Love of Jesus I whispered in your ear
Remember, His love conquers all fear
Praying someday a family you’ll find
But know in my heart, you’ll forever be mine

Here is an audio version of this poem.

One thought on “Daughter of China

  1. Joy Crownover says:

    Becky, Thank you for sharing your very personal and touching experiences. I could tell by talking to you that you are very kind but this lets me see your heart, a very loving heart.
    I can't wait to read more!

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