London; It’s Almost Time!!!

December 2013 was the first time the possibly of me running the London Marathon was ever discussed.  Time has flown, and here we are, two short weeks away from me actually crossing the start/finish line. TWO WEEKS, OH MY!  My heart is thumping wildly just thinking about it.  Honestly, I’m a bit nervous. It occurred to me today that I’ve not run a race alone in a very long time.  Certainly there will be 30,000 other runners on the course, but no one that I know standing in the start gate with me, running beside me, or waiting at the finisher’s coral.  All my friends and family can follow me as I run though.  There will be updates on my Facebook profile as I start, when I hit the half way mark, and once I cross the finish line.  So be sure to watch for live updates Sunday, April 26.

For me, the entire point of running this race is to raise funds for missions.   I’ve done my part, logged the miles and put in the training time, but I am short on my fund-raising goal.  Links runners are encouraged to raise £1000, or about $1500, which is nothing compared to the lofty $7000 fundraising expectations of some charity runners.  Thus far I have £350 or $550.  Please consider a one-time donation to support my fundraising efforts for the Links International Team, click here. All donations go directly to the organization and are tax-deductible.

If you would prefer to support me directly, you can give via our Breathe Missions site,  Each person who gives will be on that course with me.  The support of my family and friends means so much to me.  When someone else believes in your dream and displays that belief through tangible acts of selfless giving, there is nothing greater.  I am truly grateful to everyone who have already given, THANK YOU!  Look for an exciting and newsy post-race blog update in a few weeks.

With Love,

Becky J Miller
“Warrior Princess”

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