Crystal Caudill’s Counterfeit Love is a definite page-turner full of intrigue, romance, and mystery. Readers will delve right into the story of Theresa Payne

Crystal Caudill’s Counterfeit Love is a definite page-turner full of intrigue, romance, and mystery. Readers will delve right into the story of Theresa Payne
While we are young, the vast majority of the population never utters the phrase, “I can’t see.” Sure, some children struggle with vision challenges from an early age, but many of us have those difficulties in our later years. Because we spend much of our lives taking 20/20 vision for granted, the adjustment can be problematic when sight begins degrading naturally.
This story will keep readers up at night, unable to put the book down, filled with rich history, mystery, intrigue, and a touch of romance.
The first time someone mentioned Airbnb, I was admittedly skeptical. Why would I want to pay money to sleep in someone else’s house? It just seemed weird…
How can two people who love each other and have committed “to death do us part” struggle to occupy the same living space peacefully?
The beauty of this story is how the “experiment” impacts the community and brings healing
Rhythmic pitter patter of soothing rain
Falling softly outside the window
Quietly rouses her from sleep