Swallowing Pride Most of us, whether we choose to admit it or not, struggle with pride. The issue lies not in the pride itself, but in how we deal with it. Do we miss out on something because we let our pride to have free reign? Or do we take control of our pride Read More
March for Babies
Each year 543,000 or one in eight babies in the United States are born prematurely. The number of premature births has risen by 30% since 1981. Even babies born just a few weeks too soon can face serious health challenges and are at risk of lifelong disabilities. Premature births costs more than $26 billion Read More
Weeping for the City
Sunday at River Stone Community Church our pastor taught from Luke 19: 41-48. The passage opens with, “And when he drew near and saw the city, he wept over it. . . “, referring to Christ weeping over Jerusalem. At the close of service we were given construction paper, crayons and the challenge to draw Read More
Sorrow Unfolds
She lies alone in darkened room, desperately clutching tattered bear Tears saturate cold pillow, while grief her sole companion Weariness grips her soul, sadness chokes her heart, wretched sobs bruise the silence Anguish erupts violently, shattering precarious facade distorted features reflect another’s disdain Thrashing restlessly, yearning for comprehension she finds only empty, painful ache Betrayal Read More
January 2, 2011: It’s the second day of the new year. For many people that means the opportunity to start over again, to succeed where there has been failure, to bring life where there has been death; but because somewhere along the way I became a cynic, to me a new year just means I Read More
Chosen: Marathon for Adoption
Chosen: Marathon for Adoption sponsored by Charis Orphan Care & Adoption takes places October 23, 2010 in New Braunfels, TX. This inaugural run will raise money for adoptive families and orphans around the world. After working in orphanages in both China and Haiti this summer, orphan care has become very dear to my heart. I Read More
Backyard Escapades
Bright sunbeams warm fair skin Melting ice cream dribbles down sticky chins Soft breeze flutters, cooling the day Hop, skip, jump; trio merrily plays London Bridges Falling Down, Red Light Green Light, Tug of War Vigorous energy; no chance to be bored Red Rover, Red Rover, Kick the Can, Simon Says, “Fly like Peter Pan” Read More