Several years ago, an event orchestrated by people professing to love, left me deeply wounded. Though I was not the intended target, the fall out from collateral damage marred my spirit and soul. The anguish suffered was so profound, I wondered if healing would ever come. Slowly, Father chipped away at my barricaded heart, applying Read More
Why Are You Here?
An interesting thing happened on my last night in Haiti ; I came face to face with evil. Most of our evening meals were eaten at the hotel restaurant. The food was rather expensive though, so the team requested dinner at a local café’. A boisterous Haitian celebration that weekend left our security guards reluctant Read More
Eyes of Light
Arriving at the orphanage the first day, something immediately caught my attention. Though these children are victims of tragic circumstances, hope abounds. The children are bright, energetic and playful; their eyes hold light, not darkness. They run and play, laugh and jump, demand attention and interact comfortably with the team members. Their curly hair, dark Read More
A Future with Promise
Ready or not, Haitian sunrise happens at 5:30 a.m. My sleep was restless last night so when the bright and glorious sun peeked through the hotel window, I was not happy to see it. Adding insult to injury, the air conditioning cuts off at 6 a.m. Fortunately the traumatic start did not set the tone Read More
San Marcos to Haiti
For the River Stone Community Church Haiti Team Part 2, the day began before some folks even went to bed. Most of the team tried to catch a few hours of sleep before our 1 a.m. departure from San Marcos. The drive to Houston was effortless; of course I was snoozing in the back Read More
Summer of My Discontent*
The day started early, but not early enough. Accidently setting my alarm for 3 p.m. rather than 3 a.m. caused me to wake up forty-five minutes late. Heading for the track anyhow, I managed a three mile walk, yes walk, not a run. Attempting to run, my body rebelled. A palatable tension has camped out Read More
When Worlds Collide
When I was a little girl my Daddy built my sister and me the coolest toy box ever. Made of wood, painted blue with a puppy decal and hinged white top, it held almost all of our toys. It was so big that sometimes I would get inside and close the lid. I liked hiding Read More