Home from China for less than 24 hours and reacclimation is already hitting me full force. The trip was emotionally, spiritually and physically draining. I’d anticipated being able to spend some time recuperating before I had to jump back into my life full throttle, but unfortunately life does not stand still. My family did a Read More
Homeward Bound
At this posting the River Stone team is headed home. We awoke to rain, so glad it was clear on Thursday. We had our last breakfast in China this morning at 8 a.m., checked out and boarded our bus at 845. The trip to the train station was short. It was still raining when we Read More
Farewell from China
Today marks my final blog post from China. Tomorrow morning after breakfast we will board a train bound for Hong Kong. The team is scheduled to arrive in Hong Kong by 2 p.m. allowing a few hours for shopping in the markets before we head back to the USA. We’ll stay the night at the Read More
Random Thoughts
The massage yesterday was, well interesting. The stories about little Chinese girls walking on your back, they are absolutely true. The massage lasted 70 minutes and there weren’t many body parts left untouched. There were two of us per room and having the Chinese girls talking to each other, probably about us, during the massage Read More
Day at the Park
The daily routine was changed up a bit today as we were able to take some of the children out to a local park. What an experience! The River Stone team, two staff members, about eight “carers”, twenty-six children, ten strollers and one wheel chair boarded a bus intended for twenty people with no luggage. Read More
Life in the Welfare Centre
A four story building sits just inside the gates to the International China Concern compound. Housed inside are the throwaways of Chinese society. Residents of the facility range in age from newborn to adult. It is a “care for life” facility. Sometimes children are adopted from there, but it is rare. Others, those with the Read More
Chinese Weekend Adventures
After a full work day Saturday the team furiously rushed back to the rooms to clean up for our evening on the town. We caught a bus into the center of Hengyang (we are actually staying on the outskirts). There we split into groups; some of us hit up the local KFC and others a Read More