Friday Night Face Off: Purple and White versus Maroon. Clad in the #14, a tribute to his older brother, Chris takes the field. Commotion commences with a whistle blow; a melee of arms, legs and pubescent energy. Two minutes into the game, Chris boots one in the net. Before his modest parents can Tweet the Read More
China Countdown
Sixteen days until I depart for the Great Firewall of China. Two weeks with no Facebook or Twitter access. Testing WordPress via Blackberry to ensure I’ll be able to post trip updates.
Prayers for a Supermodel
Successfully completing a nine mile run would require focus. A Nickelback fan, but not at 4 a.m., I opted to leave the Blackberry and Pandora waiting in the car. Instead I felt compelled to spend each mile praying for someone different. Mile 1: Prayers for the emotional and physical health of a co-worker Mile 2: Read More
Faith in Darkness
“We are called to be faithful to God even when it seems he hasn’t been faithful to us. We’re called to love him even when we feel abandoned. We’re called to look for him even in the midst of the darkness. We’re called to worship him even through our tears.” Pete Wilson author of Plan Read More
A Mother’s Journey
Grow up, get married, start a family. Seems like a natural progression, right? Not always. Most of us are unprepared for the obstacles and roadblocks that hinder our progress on life’s journey. Today I am the busy mother of three healthy teenagers. But, rewind the clock twenty-one years and the story looks quite different. After Read More
Birth of a Runner
Shoes comfortably laced, calves suitably stretched, apprehensively awaiting the official start. There I stood, 42 years old running my first 5K. Random thoughts played through my mind, “What if my shoe comes untied?” “What if I have to pee?” “What if get stuck in pack of slow runners?” “What if I can’t breathe properly?” “What Read More
Blooms in the Burn Pile
Sometimes God reveals profound truths in the most unexpected and extraordinary ways. Seemingly ordinary occurrences may lead to amazing discoveries. Allow me to lead you along the path to one such occurrence. Roses, beautiful in bloom, require much care. Our rose bushes had a tendency to grow over the sidewalk, posing a threat to innocent Read More