
As night falls innocence fades Vanished, stolen, stripped away Yesterday; unblemished, carefree Today; friend becomes enemy Trapped amidst churning hell Struggling for freedom, barricaded cell Shoulders too young this burden to bear Head hung in shame, fraught with care Battered, bruised, shaken, torn Trust misplaced, exchanged for scorn Blameless heart indelibly marked Treachery launched, poisonous Read More

Both Sides of the Coin

Everything’s boring, utterly boring – no one can find any meaning in it. Boring to the eye, boring to the ear. What was will be again, what happened will happen again. There’s nothing new on this earth. King Solomon, Ecclesiastes 1:8 & 9, The Message version The Bible records homosexual acts almost from the beginning Read More

Rick & Bubba’s Guide to the Nearly Almost Perfect Marriage By Rick Burgess & Bill “Bubba” Bussey

WARNING: If you have a tendency to laugh aloud hysterically then reading this book in the privacy of your own home would probably be a better choice versus reading at the local coffee shop. Rick & Bubba manage to provide serious marital insight softened by large amounts of comedic release. Personal anecdotes make the material Read More

The Moment

Sun beams bathe immobile form Eyes stare, lips pressed, face forlorn Swirling thoughts, quagmire of confusion ‘What is not’ causes disillusion Arms crossed protectively, warding off danger No one dare approach, friend or stranger Unwelcome solitude cloaks her shoulders Intense shudder, skin grows colder Gazing blankly at azure skies Mind asking questions; “Why? Why? Why?” Read More

Cry of the Nations

Sound penetrates the barrier, silence echoes no more Mournful voices rise, resonating from foreign shores Cries of orphans mingle, merging to thunderous roar Powerful force, intent – to detonate barricaded doors Reverberation strikes, spirit no longer immune Crumpling to knees, weeping at the melodic tune Beckoning, beckoning the widow murmurs her name Bags packed, embracing Read More

Dear John

WARNING – SPOILER ALERT! Like most of the breathing female population, I could hardly wait to see Dear John. I should probably qualify that statement. Having sobbed uncontrollably watching, The Notebook, I decided that I am not a Nicholas Sparks fan. My distaste for the author, however, was outweighed by Channing Tatum’s starring role as Read More