Reality strikes. The culmination of almost eighteen years arrives. Preparation is futile, letting go is unnatural. Paternal instinct says love, protect, and care; release is never part of the plan. This morning I walked out my front door, as I do five mornings a week. Only this morning was different. This morning the normally comforting Read More
Her Story
Mother’s heart cries out for son Wounded, broken, unsure what she’s done Son’s heart wondered astray Hopes, dreams wrecked along the way Reflective memories of days gone by Bring tears of joy to Mother’s eyes Smiles and laughter replaced by sadness and pain Mother clings to hope; one day son’s heart will change Calloused scales Read More
Dwelling Place
Reflection can be a dangerous activity, one that allows our mind to travel where we did not intend to go. Thus was the case with me one recent morning. It was my first day back on the track in about a month. A temporary detour down a path of lesser resistance brought this epiphany; the Read More
Prison Break
Sir Darkness screams my name Tempter brandishes sword “Succumb to the cries; live no more.” Walls close in trapping their prey Will I survive another day? Mercy pleas echo throughout the chamber No one hears my cries of danger. Crawling swiftly, attempting to flee Sharp boulders gouge my naked knees. Blood oozes from wounded palms Read More
Parenting Schizophrenia
After my first born son graduated from high school, I arrived at this conclusion; parents are psychotic. The aforementioned bittersweet event launched a moment of refection or hysterics, depending on perspective. Bottom line; the American Psychiatric Association was founded shortly after Adam and Eve begat Cain and Abel. According to Wikipedia Dissociative identity disorder (DID) Read More
WARNING: Listener Discretion Advised – Sex on the Airwaves
I Wanna Love You I see you winding and grindin’ up on that pole I know you see me lookin’ at you and you already know I wanna love you you already know I wanna love you you already know, girl . . . By Akon & Snoop Dog What do a pole dancer, a Read More
Significance Quest
A one woman posse on a quest for significance: Where does one begin the expedition for such a priceless commodity? Where else? Don’t all important events begin with proper attire? The sleek huntress searches her cavernous wardrobe settling on alligator hide. The thick exoskeleton provides protective covering for her delicate skin, which is far too Read More