Different than me in so many ways, yet one to call when I wonder astray. Listening ear always her style, judgment never passed, she loves with her smile. Generosity unlimited by means, she seeks a method to intervene. Boundaries infinite, she goes the extra mile; recipient may be friend, stranger or child. Sensitive, caring and Read More
Dark Continent
Listen to sound rise from the plain; Voices parched cry out for rain. Echoes travel across the land Deep groans soar from burning sand. Grateful hearts that sin no more Africa looks heaven toward. Daughter seeks, weeps, implores Hunger rumbles forest to shore. Father hears the frantic plea, Chooses a son to set Her free. Read More
Sun breaks through the cloudy sky Glimmer of hope catches my eye Gentle breeze ruffles my hair Reveals your presence everywhere Tender voice echoes my name Softly reminding, I AM the healer of pain. Why carry bags heavily laden Look at freedom so patiently waiting Burdens are not yours bear Son stands ready to receive Read More
Liberation Awaits
The hole in my heart will not go away It grows larger with each passing day. My eyes are heavy from lack of sleep If only darkness brought welcome relief. Tossing and turning all night long Desperately searching for what I have done wrong. Sighing with deliberation as morning breaks anew Moments of contentment seem Read More
Life’s Journey
We humans are quirky creatures. We desire unconditional love and acceptance yet so few of us are actually willing to dole out these intangibles. Why is that? Why do we fight so hard for control only to be left isolated and longing for companionship? Why are we so unwilling to share our true selves with Read More
At the center of your world her charm grew, With each day that passed she fell deeper for you. She captured your heart for who could resist Those big green eyes that sparkled with bliss? Across the world to another land, The duties of war can change a man. She went this way, you went Read More
Gazing in the mirror not recognizing what I see, Who is this person staring back at me? Mirror, oh mirror, I dislike what I see, For this stranger is not who I intended to be. Anxiety furrows my brow, apprehension lassos my heart. All my hopes for tomorrow lie shattered in the dark. Disappointment begs Read More