Mother’s Day is upon us. What is generally a joyous occasion, can be a heartbreaking experience for some. #mothersday #family #hearbreak #warriorprincess #livingoutsidethelines Read More

Mother’s Day is upon us. What is generally a joyous occasion, can be a heartbreaking experience for some. #mothersday #family #hearbreak #warriorprincess #livingoutsidethelines Read More
The dreams of a six-year-old girl may just be saving the world, one patient at a time. #covid19 #dreams #warriorprincess #livingoutsidethelines #servant Read More
“Forgive and forget.” What does that phrase really mean? Forgiveness, though often difficult to grant, is by far easier, in most cases, than forgetting. Short of having a lobotomy, which has been medically proven to be a really bad idea, how does one go about forgetting an injustice? Anyone who spent their childhood in Sunday Read More
By the time this column is published, Christmas 2016, heck even the year itself will be tucked quietly away within the pages of history. But, as I sit at home pounding away on my laptop, the day remains in its infancy. The silence is almost deafening, and I am not merry. The last ten or Read More
Today, it is a very good thing that newspapers, on-line or print, are items to be read and therefore provide some degree of separation from the audience, unlike say, live television. Why do I feel this way? Well, because at this very moment, I am beyond exhausted, mentally, physically and spiritually. Fatigued literally to the Read More
Oxford dictionary defines crowdfunding as, “the practice of funding a project or venture by raising many small amounts of money from a large number of people, typically via the Internet.” Crowdfunding has been around since the 1700’s, however the modern day version of crowdfunding surfaced in 1997 when the British rock band Marillion funded their Read More
Loss comes in many different forms; loss of a loved one, loss of a job, loss of a marriage, loss of a friendship, or loss of a tangible thing such as a home, car or family heirloom. While some themes of loss are common, expected even, others are not. Today it’s the “others” that has Read More