The reality series “Survivor” hosted by Jeff Probst first aired in May 2000. For those folks completely out of tune with pop culture, the premise of the series, much like its name, is to see who will become the sole survivor. A group of strangers, usually around eighteen, is unceremoniously dumped on a deserted island Read More
“Your Grandmother is on Facebook. What?”
With each new generation comes new technology. My generation ushered in the home computer and a connection to the outside world via the Internet like none other before them. My children have never known a world without connectivity and are much more skilled at all the intricacies of hand held devices than I will ever Read More
“My Sister, My Friend”
Siblings share a unique bond, one impossible to replicate in any other relationship. The DNA ties are as strong as the common experience associated with growing up in the same household. Siblings may be polar opposites, or they may be eerily alike in their mannerisms. You may love them fiercely one minute and despise them Read More
Finding Laurie
Working for a community college has many perks; the best one, in my humble opinion, is that in addition to paid personal days, sick days and vacation days, there are multiple college wide days off like four days at Thanksgiving, two weeks at Christmas and a week for Spring Break. I cherish my time away Read More
There’s Something About Dad
Whether we chose to admit it or not, much of who we are comes from our parents. #family #dad #birthday #livingoutsidethelines #warriorprincess Read More