Oh, that dreaded question, you know, the one that generally gets asked every. single. day; “What’s for dinner?” #livingoutsidethelines #warriorprincess #dinner #family #cooking Read More

Oh, that dreaded question, you know, the one that generally gets asked every. single. day; “What’s for dinner?” #livingoutsidethelines #warriorprincess #dinner #family #cooking Read More
Appreciate can be defined different ways; “recognize the full worth,” “to be aware of something, or to understand that something is valuable,” or “to be grateful for something.” The definition ought to be expanded to include that one may also appreciate not just something, but someone. Appreciating beauty and value in things seems easy, but Read More
“Forgive and forget.” What does that phrase really mean? Forgiveness, though often difficult to grant, is by far easier, in most cases, than forgetting. Short of having a lobotomy, which has been medically proven to be a really bad idea, how does one go about forgetting an injustice? Anyone who spent their childhood in Sunday Read More
It’s been said that patience is a virtue. If that statement were true, then I would probably be considered virtue-less because patience and I are not good friends. While I am fully capable of waiting, I am definitely not a fan. Sadly, life does not fit into a tidy little box and whether I like Read More
The Fray has a song entitled, ”All at Once”. The song is about a lost relationship, but there is a stanza, “Sometimes the Hardest Thing & the Right Thing are the Same” that often plays on my mental jukebox when I am struggling with a difficult decision. These past few weeks the verse has been Read More
Music is a remarkable tool; it can soothe a crying baby, calm a frazzled adult, unite a diverse group of people, bring division, transform a dull event into an electrifying one, and transport the psyche to another time and place. According to Wikipedia, music is found in every known culture, past and present. Even the Read More
According to Merriam-Webster, http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/scar, a scar may be defined in several different ways: 1. A mark left (as in the skin) by the healing of injured tissue 2. A mark or indention resulting from damage or wear 3. A lasting moral or emotional injury . Given the number of scar reducing and scar covering products Read More