Tangled Ashes

Michele Phoenix’s Tangled Ashes is an appealing story of two dissimilar worlds that ultimately intersect.  While the majority of the story unfolds in modern day France, Phoenix does a skillful job intertwining the historical elements of the account. The Tangled Ashes Prologue opens during the Nazi occupation of Lamorlaye, France.  Anticipating liberation by the Allies, Read More

From the Heart: A Collection of Stories and Poems from the Front Lines of Parenting

Exciting news! The book being published with two of my poems is available for presale. I’ve ordered 12 copies and still have 6 available for purchase. The presale cost is $22.50 plus $5 shipping for a total of $27.50. Cost for the book will go up to $25 plus shipping/handling. I do not receive any Read More

Plan B by Pete Wilson

“To all who choose to believe, in the midst of their Plan B, that one day faith will win over doubt, light will win over darkness, love will win over hate, and all things will be redeemed and exist the way they should.” These words, appearing even before the acknowledgements, mark the beginning of Pete Read More

Rick & Bubba’s Guide to the Nearly Almost Perfect Marriage By Rick Burgess & Bill “Bubba” Bussey

WARNING: If you have a tendency to laugh aloud hysterically then reading this book in the privacy of your own home would probably be a better choice versus reading at the local coffee shop. Rick & Bubba manage to provide serious marital insight softened by large amounts of comedic release. Personal anecdotes make the material Read More

My Son

Green eyes, auburn hair, your arrival brings answered prayer Chubby cheeks and curly hair, baby boy beyond compare Toothless wonder, eyes alert, puppies, dinosaurs and digging for dirt Growing, growing, all too fast, toddler days do not last Football, soccer, and baseball too, any sport will do All too soon the years roll through and Read More