Oxford dictionary defines crowdfunding as, “the practice of funding a project or venture by raising many small amounts of money from a large number of people, typically via the Internet.” Crowdfunding has been around since the 1700’s, however the modern day version of crowdfunding surfaced in 1997 when the British rock band Marillion funded their Read More
When It’s Over
Loss comes in many different forms; loss of a loved one, loss of a job, loss of a marriage, loss of a friendship, or loss of a tangible thing such as a home, car or family heirloom. While some themes of loss are common, expected even, others are not. Today it’s the “others” that has Read More
Little Miss Sassy Britches
Brittany Rebecca or Bree for short, arrived with a vengeance on July 24, 1994. So anxious was she to make her appearance that she arrived faster than the doctors expected, giving everyone a scare. She recovered from her traumatic birth quite quickly and has kept us on our toes every day since. To say that Read More
Hat Trick: Honoring God’s Miracle – Chris’ 20th
Not only are milestones important reminders of our past, but they also pave the way to our future. Some milestones are painful to recall, but others are joyous occasions worth not only revisiting, but also sharing. On May 2 as we celebrate his 20th birthday, our youngest son, Christopher, leaves his teenage years behind. What Read More
Empty Arms: “A Mother’s Intimate Story”
What we perceive is not always reality. For example, spying a family happily playing in the park, one might automatically conclude that the creation of that family was a simple and natural thing. However, their truth might present a rather different narrative. Married at 18, and still somewhat a child myself, having a family was Read More
Chosen: The Gift of Adoption
Adoption is a concept we understand. Some of us may know a person who was adopted, but unless you are adopted, have personally adopted a child, or experienced the process via close friends or family though, you may not comprehend the real beauty of adoption. Only in the last few years have I come to Read More
The Heart of a Child
To call my 6’1, 200 pound, eighteen-year-old college football player a child is a stretch by any means, but if you’ll humor me here, there is a method to my madness. Ask any parent and they’ll tell you that raising children takes a lot of faith; you do the best you can and hope they Read More