Inside Her Reflection

On a dark winter’s morning, she sits alone, snuggled deep inside a warm quilt, twinkling Christmas tree lights her only companion. In the stillness she cannot help but reflect on those things that are past and ponder that which is to come. In her quest to record her thoughts, she stumbles upon a book from Read More

Summer’s Inner Child

Summer seems to bring out the inner child in many of us; it takes us back to that time of innocence before the cares of adulthood were ours to bear.  Who remembers riding bikes, swimming, and playing outside from sun up to sundown, stopping just long enough to eat?  Or, summers spent camping, visiting grandparents, and going to Girl/Boy Scout, church, or 4-H camp?  Summers of insect repellant, roasting s’mores, sleepovers, and NO SCHOOL!! Read More

Just A Small Town Girl

The phrase “Small Town USA” evokes a Norman Rockwellesque sense of the quaint, idyllic, sentimental portrayal of American life. Many small towns enjoy a unique community bond, the kind where everyone knows your name, your life story and would willingly jump in harm’s way to protect the members. Sounds charming, but downsizing from one area with a larger population to a much smaller one can be something of a culture shock. Read More