“On the appointed day Herod, wearing his royal robes, sat on his throne and delivered a public address to the people. They shouted, “This is the voice of a god, not of a man.” Immediately, because Herod did not give praise to God, an angel of the Lord stuck him down, and he was eaten Read More
Hard Truth
Church, God, Jesus, Sunday school, prayer; these words have been a part of my vocabulary for as long as I can recall. I grew up in a Christian home and have stayed true to my Christian roots through the tumultuous teenage years and into adulthood. My relationship with Christ is ever evolving; I continue to Read More
Puzzle Pieces
Have you ever tried to work a jigsaw puzzle, one of the big ones, with 1000 plus pieces? Ever gotten frustrated trying to make one of those pieces fit into a slot it was not intended to fit in? We’ve all done it, turned the piece left, right, upside down, but no matter, it just Read More
Breaking My Heart
Reality strikes. The culmination of almost eighteen years arrives. Preparation is futile, letting go is unnatural. Paternal instinct says love, protect, and care; release is never part of the plan. This morning I walked out my front door, as I do five mornings a week. Only this morning was different. This morning the normally comforting Read More
Parenting Schizophrenia
After my first born son graduated from high school, I arrived at this conclusion; parents are psychotic. The aforementioned bittersweet event launched a moment of refection or hysterics, depending on perspective. Bottom line; the American Psychiatric Association was founded shortly after Adam and Eve begat Cain and Abel. According to Wikipedia Dissociative identity disorder (DID) Read More
Significance Quest
A one woman posse on a quest for significance: Where does one begin the expedition for such a priceless commodity? Where else? Don’t all important events begin with proper attire? The sleek huntress searches her cavernous wardrobe settling on alligator hide. The thick exoskeleton provides protective covering for her delicate skin, which is far too Read More
Life’s Journey
We humans are quirky creatures. We desire unconditional love and acceptance yet so few of us are actually willing to dole out these intangibles. Why is that? Why do we fight so hard for control only to be left isolated and longing for companionship? Why are we so unwilling to share our true selves with Read More