In life, I am convinced, it’s the small things that mean the most. Random acts of kindness if you will, which in truth really are not random, they are purposeful. Most of us won’t find the cure for cancer, win a Nobel Peace Prize, rescue someone from a burning building or anything else the world Read More
Unexpected Setback
Less than six months have passed since the accident, and I am probably back in the one place I NEVER would have anticipated, the hospital. In the past few weeks I’d finally arrived at a place where I felt like much of the accident fall-out had passed; I’m running again, I’d finally worked back up Read More
Drinking the Kool-Aid
In 1978 the Jonestown Tragedy in Guyana took the lives of 918 people. Members of the People’s Temple unquestionably followed a misguided leader named Jim Jones. Jones convinced his congregation to drink cyanide laced Kool-Aid. Not one person refused to do so. Meet Sally and Cindy, two dimple cheeked, beribboned cuties, who play hopscotch, ride Read More
Dress Divine
Relax – To remit or abate in attention, assiduity or labor. Relaxing is not something I do well. I remain in “think or do” mode most of my waking hours. Rarely am I sitting still. If you do happen to catch me sitting still, don’t be fooled; my mind is running full steam, planning, pondering, Read More
Dating; What’s the Point?
Dating, as a rule, is prohibited in the Miller Household. Boy/girl group outings are permitted and open communication is encouraged. We are willing to listen and perhaps adapt for extenuating circumstances. For instance, prom attendance is allowed with a date, but not until junior year of high school. I realize that to some, our perspective Read More
Swallowing Pride
Swallowing Pride Most of us, whether we choose to admit it or not, struggle with pride. The issue lies not in the pride itself, but in how we deal with it. Do we miss out on something because we let our pride to have free reign? Or do we take control of our pride Read More
Weeping for the City
Sunday at River Stone Community Church our pastor taught from Luke 19: 41-48. The passage opens with, “And when he drew near and saw the city, he wept over it. . . “, referring to Christ weeping over Jerusalem. At the close of service we were given construction paper, crayons and the challenge to draw Read More