Mercy Triumphs

The final book in Jana Kelley’s trilogy, Mercy Triumphs offers readers a deeper appreciation of what persecution for the sake of Christ looks like.  Centered around three main characters whose lives are intriguingly intertwined, Kelley does an effective job linking personal interactive moments to show how those actions impact the group. Witnessing the story unfold is captivating.

Halimah, a former Muslim excommunicated from her family for believing in Christ is forced into hiding.  Her portion of the story is the most intriguing.  Witnessing Halimah’s newfound faith unfold even under the most excruciating circumstances will surely keep readers turning the pages.

As the only member of Halimah’s family who knows her whereabouts, younger sister Rania also comes to know Christ when she begins reading Halimah’s hidden Bible.  Clandestine texts and phone calls between the sisters keep their faith strong, even in the face of such difficulty.

Mia, an American missionary living in Sudan has an incredible love for her Muslim friends, & willingly risks her own safety to help the sisters and others within her circle of influence however she can.

Mercy Triumphs is definitely an appealing & eye-opening read.

*A complimentary copy of the book was provided in exchange for this review.

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