Death Shroud

Death. Darkness. Gone. Forever. Blackness rolls in, suffocating fog Vengeful hands squeeze hard No air, No air Silent screams travel nowhere Who hears the heart-wrenching pleas? No-one. No-one. Violent pain, heart numbing woe Where to go? No escape, death has struck Final. Done. No More. Salted tears stain my face Hope has gone, far, far Read More

Just A Small Town Girl

The phrase “Small Town USA” evokes a Norman Rockwellesque sense of the quaint, idyllic, sentimental portrayal of American life. Many small towns enjoy a unique community bond, the kind where everyone knows your name, your life story and would willingly jump in harm’s way to protect the members. Sounds charming, but downsizing from one area with a larger population to a much smaller one can be something of a culture shock. Read More

Can I Get a Side of Affirmation, Please?

Affirmation, by definition, means emotional support or encouragement. Interestingly, affirmation is not one of my top needs, but just like eating inadequate quantities of fruits and vegetables leads to vitamin deficiencies, lack of affirmation may lead to an emotional rut, which is where I have found myself recently. Read More