“A Time to be Thankful”

Today, it is a very good thing that newspapers, on-line or print, are items to be read and therefore provide some degree of separation from the audience, unlike say, live television.   Why do I feel this way?  Well, because at this very moment, I am beyond exhausted, mentally, physically and spiritually.  Fatigued literally to the Read More

“Crowd Funding on the Oregon Trail”

Oxford dictionary defines crowdfunding as, “the practice of funding a project or venture by raising many small amounts of money from a large number of people, typically via the Internet.” Crowdfunding has been around since the 1700’s, however the modern day version of crowdfunding surfaced in 1997 when the British rock band Marillion funded their Read More

“Politics, Religion and Kindness?!?!?!”

As an adult, I cannot help but wonder; what the heck happens to us when we’re grown???  Yes, older kids can sometimes be cruel to those who are different i.e., but generally speaking kids are accepting of others.  When does that acceptance turn to intolerance? Typical nursery room scene:  Ooo, you’re playing with blocks, can Read More

“Failure to Listen”

Effective communicators understand that listening is a key component to their success.  Good listeners not only hear what is verbalized, but they understand the feelings behind the words. Being a good listener requires practice, effort, time and determination.  Sadly, these intangibles are rare qualities in many people.  We desire to be good listeners, but are Read More

“The Pure Bliss of Ahh…”

Go, go, go and go some more!!!  Sound familiar?  With our forty-hour plus work- weeks, packed social calendars, kids’ pursuits, and church/community activities plus all the requirements of running a household:  laundry, grocery shopping, house cleaning, cooking, and dishes, relaxation has become a priceless commodity. Lest anyone think I am casting stones, I will openly Read More