“Politics, Religion and Kindness?!?!?!”

As an adult, I cannot help but wonder; what the heck happens to us when we’re grown???  Yes, older kids can sometimes be cruel to those who are different i.e., but generally speaking kids are accepting of others.  When does that acceptance turn to intolerance?

Typical nursery room scene:  Ooo, you’re playing with blocks, can I play too?  I don’t care if your skin is dark and mine is light.  Honestly, until someone told me our appearances were different, I really hadn’t noticed.

Oh, your mom is a doctor?  Cool, my mom is a janitor, can your mom fix my mom’s boo boo?

Wait, you have two mommies??  Does that mean double the hugs?

You mean to tell me; you get to sleep late on Sunday while I have to wake up early for church? No fair, I need my beauty rest too!

It is our differences that make life interesting.  If we were all alike, we’d be catatonic!  There is no stretching, growing, or change without challenge.  Which brings me to the inspiration for this column:  Ellen DeGeneres hangs out with George W. Bush and all of Christendom loses their shit!  #forreal

So, Jerry Jones extends invitations to his various friends to enjoy a Dallas Cowboys game in his private box.  It’s his box, he is free to invite whomever he chooses.  Unbeknownst to either of them, conservative, heterosexual former president George W. Bush ends up sitting next to gay, liberal, Ellen DeGeneres. Oh. My. God.  You mean neither of them stormed out in vile disgust??  #wow #justwow

To all you haters out there, I’m a conservative Republican who voted for George W. and who also thinks Ellen DeGeneres is freaking hilarious! I Do. Not. Care. that she is gay.  Seriously.  Her sex life is none of my business, no one’s is.

Let’s put this situation into perspective.  If I am an individual who believes gay marriage is wrong, but I refuse to love those who are gay and married how can I ever hope to institute change?  By the same token, if I am gay and married to a same sex partner but refuse to associate with heterosexuals, how can I ever hope to normalize my values?

Or, what about this??  What if, for one single moment, I put aside my agenda and just enjoyed a football game with whomever I happen to be sitting next to?  Oh. My. God.  You mean I can just love, putting aside politics, religion and whatever else brings division?  Yes!!!  You can.

We are talking about FREE Cowboys tickets here!  Please tell me, honestly, that any die-hard Cowboys fan would turn down free box seats no matter who is in the box???  I would not.  Judge me.  It’s okay.  I still love you.

This statement from Ellen DeGeneres is one of the reasons I love her:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gQriDfZkhmg   

This gay, liberal woman understands the gospel more than many of those within my religious circle.  I can totally stand behind her statement, “When I say, be kind to one another, I don’t just mean only the people who think the same way that you do, I mean be kind to everyone.”

In my opinion, it is a bigger travesty that Ellen, was a closet Packets fan in a Cowboys box, but you know what, in the spirit of kindness, I can even forgive that transgression!

Until Next Time,

Becky J Miller
Warrior Princess

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