From the Heart: “A Collection of Stories and Poems from the Front Lines of Parenting”

Exciting news! From the Heart: “A Collection of Stories and Poems from the Front Lines of Parenting”, the book has been published with two of my poems:

From the Heart: “A Collection of Stories and Poems from the Front Lines of Parenting” may no longer be in print, but if you’re interested, you can connect and contact the editor at

Inside the pages of this book, dozens of authors have given of themselves to share their unique perspective on the journey of parenthood and to make a difference in the lives of children along the way. The result is a collection of stories and poems that track the fun, the challenging, and the truly phenomenal aspects of parenting.

From pregnancy worries and the miracle of birth to tough times and growing up, each unique triumph and challenge through a lifetime of parenthood palpitates on the page.

From the Heart: A Collection of Stories and Poems from the Front Lines of Parenting was created to raise money for children’s charities. With this collaborative effort, we will help every child get the medical care that they need and find cures for some of life’s most devastating diseases.

With inspiring stories and poems from a group of extraordinary writers, this volume will leave an impression on the heart of any parent.

Proceeds from the sale of this book will be donated to children’s charities.

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