Affirmation, by definition, means emotional support or encouragement. Interestingly, affirmation is not one of my top needs, but just like eating inadequate quantities of fruits and vegetables leads to vitamin deficiencies, lack of affirmation may lead to an emotional rut, which is where I have found myself recently. Read More
Dusk’s Darkest Shores
Set in 1811, the story opens with a local war hero, Adam Edgerton, returning home to England before his comrades. There is a mix of excitement and curiosity among the residents of his hometown. Will he and the beautiful Emily Hardy finally have their wedding? Why is he the only soldier coming home? Read More
Echoes Of Grief
Sun shines bright on a glorious day, Clouds in her heart will not go away Grief seems her constant friend, Replaying her loss, again and again Plucked away Read More
Born To Stand Out
I have found myself so many times standing alone on ethical issues; it is not easy being the lone dissenter if you would, and when I feel the burden weighing down, I remind myself that this is who I am called to be, a light in the darkness. Sometimes that means enduring those who speak ill against me. It’s a hard road, but we are not promised it would be easy, only that our reward is great in heaven. Read More
Pay It Forward
Herein lies the beauty of paying it forward. Often it seems our good deeds go unrewarded, but most times, the truth is not that we failed; it’s simply that we don’t get to see the waves we create. Read More
Applauding Spring’s Arrival
Cherry blossoms burst forth, splashing the horizon with color Spring’s symphonic melody sings, offering new hope Sunlight washes out darkness, fear trembles Read More
Mandy Is A Mommy
Babies seemed to happen for everyone else so naturally, not for Mandy. Joyful anticipation soon turned to sorrow. Everywhere she turned, the rounded bellies of expectant mothers only intensified Mandy’s feelings of failure. Her heart desired to kiss the soft down of hair on her infant’s head, inhaling the newborn scent while holding him or her close. Read More