Tightropes & Teeter-Totters

For any woman struggling with balancing work, home, family, children, friends, finances, diet, exercise or any other area, Lisa Pennington’s candidly written Tightropes & Teeter-Totters offers practical, easy to follow suggestions on how to manage even the toughest of circumstances.

Pennington allows readers right into her home to witness, the good, the bad, and the sometimes-horrifying situations in which she finds herself. Warning, a few stories teeter dangerously close to over sharing, but they help keep her relatable.

Her tips on de-cluttering and getting organized make getting started easy rather than overwhelming.   One senses humility in her writing making it easy for the reader to bond with her rather than be offended thinking she’s got it all together while everyone else is falling apart.

Tightropes & Teeter-Totters is a must read for any mother and wife still trying to find her way through the quagmire called life.

*A complimentary copy of the book was provided in exchange for this review.

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