Ming’s book is sure to send believers on a soul-searching mission, and if it doesn’t, then one should be concerned. Re-Forming packs two hundred pages of solid, hard-hitting punches, so beware. Read More

Ming’s book is sure to send believers on a soul-searching mission, and if it doesn’t, then one should be concerned. Re-Forming packs two hundred pages of solid, hard-hitting punches, so beware. Read More
Set in 1811, the story opens with a local war hero, Adam Edgerton, returning home to England before his comrades. There is a mix of excitement and curiosity among the residents of his hometown. Will he and the beautiful Emily Hardy finally have their wedding? Why is he the only soldier coming home? Read More
Readers desiring to better understand the Holy Spirit will find answers to all their questions nestled within the pages of, God In Your Flesh. Mylon Avery addresses questions found both within and outside the walls of the traditional church. One need not have been raised in church to find revelation. Read More
Roots of Wood and Stone introduces readers to quirky historian Sloane Kelley, investment banker Garrett Anderson, and takes them on a journey artfully woven between past and present. No one would guess the outcome of the fateful day Garrett shows up at the museum where Sloane works with a bag full of “treasures” from his Read More
This short and easy read is a must for both those in ministry and those searching to fill a void in their heart. Read More
Readers will enjoy meeting the folks of Paradise; Honey, Jake, Early, Katie, and newcomer Matthias while completely disliking greedy local businessman Sonny. Each plays an important role in the life of Gomez Gomez. The story has some surprising plot twists that will leave readers laughing, crying, and begging for more. Overall a page-turning tale of real love. Read More
What happens when a CIA assassin finds Jesus and decides that what he once thought was right and justifiable is suddenly just so very wrong; meet John Cross former CIA operative turned small country church pastor. Readers struggling with their own demons of repentance, forgiveness, restitution, and reconciliation will likely relate to the uber skilled, but the quite humble, and very likable character of John Cross. Read More