You’ll Never Be Nobody

Barbara Crosby’s first book, “You’ll Never Be Nobody” is a graphic retelling of the extreme trauma endured during her childhood.  Not for the faint of heart, the book describes in somewhat explicit detail multiple acts of sexual abuse.

Readers unaccustomed to auto-biographical non-fiction of this sort may find themselves absolutely aghast and appalled at the horrors inflicted upon young Barbara.

The fact that this woman not only survived such incredible trauma but went on to have successful pregnancies is definitely a testament to firm strength and perhaps some divine intervention.

Crosby’s writing style is at times, difficult to follow, something that could be attributed to the piercing emotions tied to the retelling of such an intimate story.  Additionally, a lack of fluidity in the timelines of the story may leave the reader scratching their heads in confusion. 

Nevertheless, Crosby’s story serves as a beacon of hope as well as an encouraging conversation starter for others with similar backgrounds.

***The author provided a free copy. All opinions included in this review are entirely my own.

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