Flex It Pink – Strong Women, Empowering Other Women

It was February 2018, I think when I first came in contact with Flex it Pink.  The Superbowl was coming up and I saw their post on social media, either Facebook or Instagram, about working out based on game scores.  I saved the post and followed the workout.  It would be another two years before I became personally engaged with the group.

I’m a t-shirt whore.  Anyone who truly knows me can attest to this fact, and I’m okay with that.  Although I cannot recall what got my attention, my first order from Flex It Pink was a Cancer Awareness tee.  I’ve always been drawn to the pink ribbon breast cancer awareness symbol, so this tee supporting all types of cancer got me. I became an overnight FIP subscriber.

It’s hard to admit this, but I live in an area that does not wholeheartedly support fitness, healthy eating, or anything remotely related to overall good health.  I love so many people in this town and am incredibly grateful for the many who have joined me in pursuit of a healthy lifestyle, but it doesn’t change the fact that I remain very much alone in my endeavors.  With FIP I’ve found common-unity, and for a woman who so often feels so incredibly alone, this connection is incredible.

Certainly, Flex It Pink is a business relying on sales to sustain them, but it’s so much more.  Don’t believe me?  Check out their FB pages https://www.facebook.com/FlexItPink or https://www.facebook.com/groups/flexitpink and think you’ll agree, these women are different. I’ve never felt the level of support I do from these complete strangers, even from within my own personal circles.  These women get it, they are real. 

Founded in 2013, FIP is “a place for women to go to feel supported, empowered, loved and just a place to vent when the going gets tough. Our number one priority is to help support, educate, and lead every woman who needs help in each step of their journeys without judgment.  We take pride in Flex It Pink always being a non-judgment zone.”  They aren’t lying.  They mean what they say.

Not only are the monthly subscriptions filled with incredibly supportive messages such as, “Fear is a Liar”, ‘I Can & I Will, Motivated, Resilient, Beautiful, Confident, Pretty, Worthy, Fearless, Strong, Brave, I’m Possible”, “She’s Got Mad Hustle and a Dope Soul”, and my personal favorite, “Badassery Comes in All Shapes and Sizes,” but their daily posts are full of encouragement.

Many of my social media posts are reposts from FIB. “Dear Sis, until you love the woman in the mirror, you’ll have a hard time convincing others of her worth. Understand that you are a powerful being. You are whole. You are complete. And you are worthy. Don’t accept anything less.”  Or how about, “Stop being jealous of people in their winning season, you don’t know what they lost in their losing season.”  And my personal favorite: Facts of Life 1.  Everyone has rolls when they bend over. 2.  When someone tells you you’re beautiful, believe them. They aren’t lying.  3.  Sometimes we all wake up with breath that could kill a goat.  4. For every woman unhappy with her stretch marks is a woman who wishes she had them. 5.  You should definitely have more confidence.  And if you saw yourself the way others see you, you definitely would.  6.  Don’t look for a man to save you. Be able to save yourself.  7.  It’s okay not to love every part of your body….but you should.  8.  We all have that one friend who seems to have it all together; that woman with the seemingly perfect life.  Well, you might be that woman to someone else.  9.  You should be a priority; not an option, the last resort, or a back-up plan. 10.  You’re a woman, that alone makes you pretty damn remarkable. 

Menopause has been so tough on me. I’ve NEVER struggled with my weight and yet I currently find myself seeing a number on the scales higher than I’ve ever seen, even pregnant.  My medical practitioner doesn’t get it either.  When my cholesterol tests came back elevated, his notes to me were, “Eat less animal fat, exercise at least five days a week, and maintain a healthy weight.”  Seriously, Jerkwad!?!? I just sat in your office and poured out my weight woes to you, explaining how I’ve changed nothing; I work out five to six days a week, have a standing work- station, park as far from my office as possible, and eat pretty healthy.

All that said, I do love that my new size with FIP is “Loved”.  I despise that my medium tees no longer fit comfortably, but find a sense of peace of being “Loved.”  That said, FIP is very responsive, they’ve answered all of my personal messages which I so appreciate.  I signed up for my first box monthly box after the deadline and they were quick to let me know they’d do their best.  With the monthly subscription, there is always plenty of time to opt-out, they are clear with the time-lines with every platform available; email, and social media. 

Even if you never purchase any of the FIP products, although I highly recommend you do, any woman even remotely interested in diet, fitness, and improving overall health should definitely tune in to this amazing community.

Until Next Time,

Becky J Miller
Warrior Princess

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